I was flipping through a travel magazine last weekend, gazing dreamily at the exotic locales of the South American continent. My eyes quickly fell on the potatoes - blue, pink, red, black... Was I really staring at a vegetable or some school kid's art project? I read later that South American countries (especially Peru) are abundant in tubers. I dreamt of planning my next trip to that continent, but my face fell when I saw the exorbitant airfares. How was I ever going to taste those delectable veggies without paying a bomb? I didn't know of any store in India that imported tubers of so many colours and types.
The next evening, when I was at a supermarket on my grocery round, I came across TERRA Chips. I first gazed at the unmistakably blue potato crisps on its cover. My heart raced, but I was still skeptical on its contents. I finally got my own packets of several Terra Chips bags to see if I was dreaming. I read through its ingredients and knew that these chips were indeed made of the real tubers that I always dreamed of eating. The chips were not coloured. They were real vegetable chips!
This is taking gourmet snacking to an interesting level! We have been gorging on the same old boring yellow/brown potato chips, with that odd dash of tomatoes or onions thrown in the mix. But Terra Chips brings exotic flavours to the table, at the same time, being a healthy snacking option. These crisps are gluten free and not made of genetically modified vegetables. That's a huge relief! I know of many friends who are gluten intolerant. I can now safely invite those friends over without worrying about what to serve them or seeing their faces break out. My friends in the West tell me they've developed several allergies due to the GMO-produce they live on.
My entire family has munched on these interesting chips now, and they all absolutely love it! It's not just the bright, rich colours, but also the distinct flavours that appeal to the foodie in me. I have now eaten taro, sweet potato, batata, parsnip, yuca and blue potatoes in the form of chips! The travel-hungry soul in me loves the fact that the veggies come all the way from the Caribbean Islands, Cuba, and other countries far away. Do take a bite off these delectable new chips if you are bored of your old flavours! It's an adventure that your tongue will love!